What tis the meaning of .925 Sterling Silver?

In it’s simplest terms, it means the jewelry has .925 (92.5%) silver in it.

We hear the term sterling silver everyday applied to many different items, not just jewelry. Yet, how many of us know what it really means? Is it an indicator of quality? Is it an indicator of how it will look, feel or wear?

Does sterling means it comes from a certain mine, or is produced a certain way? Is sterling silver better than jewelry made from pure silver?

Why is the jewelry I have stamped .925?

Good questions all.

.925 Sterling Silver is defined, and agreed to world-wide, as being 92.5% pure silver. Another metal, most commonly copper, is added to the silver and comprises the remaining 7.75%. Sterling silver may be identified by being stamped .925 or sometimes jus 925.

Now you know why your jewelry is stamped with numbers.

Why mix other stuff with pure silver?

Have you ever worn a piece of pure silver jewelry? Notice the marks you get  under the jewelry? Looks like dirt? Or someones’s silver bell collection after  it has been untouched for a while?

They are dull and look more like lead than silver. Why? Because pure silver oxidizes and tarnishes (or “rusts” in a manner of speaking). That’s why the bells loose their shine and jewelry leaves marks on the wearer.

By making jewelry and other pieces from an  alloy of silver and copper the tarnishing process is reduced and your jewelry stays brighter longer.

Is sterling silver jewelry the same quality as pure silver jewelry? Depends on what you are looking for in your jewelry. Sterling silver is not pure silver and should not be sold as such.

The copper added to silver to form sterling silver does more than retard the tarnishing process. It also makes the silver stronger. Pure silver is easily bent and can be broken.

Adding copper allows jewelry makers to create beautiful and intricate designs without breaking the silver. Copper helps your silver jewelry keep its shape and look great for much longer.

Whether you choose to buy sterling silver or pure silver, it is a good idea to have a quality polishing cloth to touch up your jewelry and make it shine.

So bottom line, which is better for jewelry? Our preference is sterling silver as the better choice for jewelry. When we buy silver jewelry, bells (we collect them) or other silver items, we opt for sterling silver.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    March 2013

